HYPERSPACE MEETING Ed and I met on the internet. He had an account through his work. I got an internet account when I worked at Penn State University. He said he could astrally project to me. He claimed he was master (an adept), that he could come to me and have astral sex with me. …


JANET KIRA LESSIN is an author (, radio talk show host, television personality, educator, experiencer, contactee, researcher, conference presenter, conference organizer, workshop leader, hypnotherapist, and counselor.  She’s been featured in Time and Der Spiegal and dozens of articles in newspapers, magazines, and online.  She’s been on “Time Zone International”, “Leeza Gibbons Show”, “Extra”, “Inside Edition”, …

INTERVENTION by Janet Kira Lessin

When I was quite young, still in the crib and thinking not of time, age or space, I received a farewell visitation from my galactic family. While I’d love to date this episode, I really can’t for that being that was me didn’t symbol in such a manner. She was unaware of time and the …

I Came to Earth & Was Born

THE BIRTH OF JANET by Janet Kira Lessin Like Ally in the Steven Spielberg movie “Taken,” I was tracked by the US Military coming into my body from the spiritual plane when I birthed this Janet. Aware of my higher levels of existence, I had difficulties integrating into this human form. Since I had agreed …

JUST ANOTHER GREY DAY by Janet Kira Lessin

I hit the mattress with a loud thunk. “Ouch,” I complained, “Why do they drop me from so high? The Greys usually plop me on my back, face up. But frequently they let go too high and knock the wind out of me. My soul knew what was coming next as it knew the routine …